Transform Faster, Transform Smarter

Agile Business Transformation Framework Trusted by Global Leaders

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Revolutionise the way you Transform with HOBA®

Frameworks that Align, Strategies that Deliver – Master Transformation, One Step at a Time

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HOBA® is used by hundreds of companies around the world

Introducing HOBA Pro®


The wait is over (almost)! HOBA Pro® is the top business transformation toolkit for Business Transformation Professionals, Consultants, Business Designers and Business Architects.

Address the 5-causes of transformation failure

HOBA Pro® addresses the 5-key issues that cause business transformation failure (no clear process, changing and incomplete requirements, poor planning, lack of user buy-in and poor governance)

Powers your Projects

HOBA Pro® powers your projects with planning, analysis, modelling and drawing automation, tracking and communication tools and more.

Team Collaboration

One of biggest problems in business transformation projects is team collaboration. We solved that with an all-in-one business transformation platform - discover, design & delivery in the one place!

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How HOBA® Helps Transform Organisations

The largest transformations in the UK have used HOBA® to setup, and rescue their transformation, saving time, money and missed opportunities in the process.

What HOBA® does best:

Vector Globe Design for Business Transformation


HOBA TECH is here to challenge the status quo and address the three problems in business transformation no one wants to talk about:

We want to change that situation and stereotype. 

Our goal is help Organisations develop their own internal capability and join the top 30% and make business transformation a success, with less effort, less time, less cost and higher profits – first time, on time!

Read our Founders story here >

HOBA® Transformation Helps You Increase your
Chances of Success

Have you even seen a Business Transformation run on time, on budget and deliver the changes it promised? No, neither have we, that’s why they call us (and probably why you’re here). Successful business transformation is not something that just happens, it’s planned. Working with us, this is the type of results you can expect:

Increased User Input
1 %
Complete solutions
1 %
Reduced change debt
1 %
business in control
1 %

Companies We've Worked With

We’re Business Transformation experts that do Business Transformation for a living, not academics or office managers who just write and talk about it. We’re the ones in the trenches working with our own clients, giving the Business back their voices and control from Technology. Here’s a sample of those clients:

Google Reviews

Increase your chances

Have you even seen a Business Transformation run on time, on budget and deliver the changes it promised? No, neither have we, that’s why they call us (and probably why you’re here). Successful business transformation is not something that just happens, it’s planned. Working with us, this is the type of results you can expect:

Increased User Input
1 %
Complete solutions
1 %
Reduced change debt
1 %
business in control
1 %

"Digital Transformation is Business Transformation"

What is our Focus?

HOBA Tech is here to disrupt the status quo and address three critical issues in business transformation that are often overlooked:

We aim to change this situation and challenge the stereotype.

Our goal is to empower Organisations to develop their own internal capabilities and become part of the successful top 30% in business transformation.

We offer a streamlined approach with reduced effort, time, and cost, resulting in higher profits – guaranteed! 

HOBA Tech - Our Focus

Why should you trust HOBA®?

HOBA Tech Trusted Partners

With over 70% of digital and business transformation efforts failing, it’s clear that old approaches and methods are not effective in solving today’s problems. Businesses are in need of a new approach.

That’s why our proven framework is trusted by the UK Government, FTSE 100, and fast-growing companies. We deliver transformation projects right the first time and on time, joining the top 30% that succeed.

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The academics and overnight experts tell you in order to successfully deliver Business Transformation you must follow their complicated process, yet they struggle to describe it or explain how and why you do it. Forget what you’ve been told, it’s not complicated, it’s a simple 6-Step process. Here it is:



First things first. Nothing happens until yourself and Organisation agree on the one thing. We help you and your team to get Focus.



Design without control is madness, so you need control. We show you how to set yourself up for success to control decisions, scope and risks.  


You can’t build anything if you can’t agree of the state of the Organisation today. Here we show you how to define the baseline.


With a lot of stakeholders and competing needs and changes, you need to evaluate. We show you how to prioritise so everyone’s happy. 


We show you how to design a future model that addresses the pain points and opportunities in your current operating model for now and the future.


We show you how to create the plans and roadmaps to deliver the design, and implement the physical (business and technology) changes.

"Organisations dont have a problem with ideas to transform, they have a problem with implementing them"

Our Clients Achievements

We don’t add up the collective years our team have been helping clients, to make it sound impressive. We just get results. If you want to learn the skills to achieve these results, you’re in the right place!



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Gartners CIO Report recommends adopting the franchise model and leveraging the three pillars of co-leadership, co-delivery, and co-governance 🤜🤛

Discover the tried and tested HOBA® (House of Business Architecture®) framework, design process, and blueprint. In our acclaimed Amazon bestseller, we reveal the secrets to transforming businesses, empowering thousands in over 13 countries to achieve their goals.

Award-Winning Knowledge: Get Your Copy of ‘The Business Transformation Playbook’ – Hardcover for $97 or Instant eBook for $47.

Amazon Reviews

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 17 customer reviews.

Transform with Confidence: Your Shortcut to Digital Transformation Success...

Embark on a journey to success with our Digital Transformation Readiness Toolkit! Assess your organisation’s readiness, optimise processes, and build a culture of innovation. Join the top 30% of successful transformers and avoid the pitfalls that lead to a 70% failure rate.

Don’t miss out on transforming your organization efficiently, on time, and on budget. Get your toolkit now – for a limited-time offer of $7 (usually $279)! 

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Calling all Business Transformation Leaders, Managers and Consultants who want to transform with less stress, less risk, less time, less cost and higher profits by doing less…

Awards & Recognition

We are recognised locally and internationally for our Business Transformation leadership

SME News 2024 Awards

HOBA TECH recognised as most innovative consultancy winner at the prestigious 2024 SME News Awards


Business Awards UK 2024

HOBA TECH Ltd named Winner of Community Impact through Digital Transformation Business Awards UK 2024.

Business Excellence 2023

HOBA TECH Most Innovative Business Transformation Consultancy 2023 – London AI Awards .


Business Excellence 2022

HOBA TECH Ltd named Digital Transformation Innovators of the Year 2022 AI  Annual Awards .

Top Placer Award 2021

HOBA TECH Ltd  Top Placer Award Winner for Information Technology at 2021 Go  Global Awards .

Best Business Strategy eBook

The Business Transformation Playbook made it onto  BookAuthority ‘s Best Business Strategy eBooks of All Time.

Top 20 Podcast 2021

In 2021,  Welp Magazine   UK (London) recognised our podcast in Top 20 Best Business Transformation Podcasts for 2021.

Amazon No.1
Best Seller

The Business Transformation Playbook reached  Amazon  #1 bestseller in 6-categories incl. Consulting & Project Management.


Human Resources Transformation

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Troubled HR Transformation pulled off “ice”, approved at board, first time earning title “one-and-done”!

Business Transformation

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7-figure Business transformation stalled for 14-months, turned around in 6-months.


Experts Dicussing with Client Vector Image

8-figure digital transformation behind schedule, over-budget turnaround record time!

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The true number of business transformation project failure is underreported. Depending on which research you follow, the figure is between 70% – 80% of business transformation projects end in failure.

There is five (5) main causes in business transformation failure are – lack of stakeholder involvement, lack of senior stakeholder support, changing requirement, incomplete requirements and poor planning.

Nothing. They are good at the purpose they were designed for, except they are now used for a different purpose, and that is not the original purpose they were designed for.

Look at TOGAF® (The Open Group Architecture Framework) for example – it’s a framework for managing ‘technology’ or ‘technology changes’. It is not surprising, it was written by a “technology standards company”. They know and understand technology.

What is happening is, TOGAF® is being used in business transformation projects that the ‘framework’ to manage the ‘transformation’, but it only focuses one thing – technology. It doesn’t focus on anything else other than Technology (it almost completely ignores, the other two (2) important aspects of the organisation – People, and Process(es)).

It also ignores how to transition the business from the current state, to its desired future state. It effectively put the Technology stakeholders in the drivers set, to dictate to the Business what they think they want and literally throw it over the fence to the Business for them to work out if first it is fit for purpose, and then how to use and implement it.

HOBA® solves the 70% failure rate in business transformation problem by addressing the causes that problem in the first place – by putting the Business back into control, to take control back from Technology and into their own hands, using a structured process and framework that was developed WITH the Business, BY the Business, to be USED and OWNED by the Business, putting the control back into their own hands.

The biggest problem with business transformation projects is firstly the name. “Business Transformation” is incorrectly called or referred to as “Digital Transformation”. ‘Digital Transformation’ is a misnomer, it is not ‘digital’ per se that is ‘transforming’, it is the ‘Business’ that is transforming, and how it does or is doing that in this period of time is via ‘digital technologies’ (if ‘technology’ isn’t already digital, what were they before?).

What this intentional confusion in the marketplace is causing, is it causes is an incorrect bias and focus on the ‘technology aspect’ only of the transformation, which by doing so completely ignores the Business aspects – that’s the Business Operations Stakeholders and their concerns, and the Processes those stakeholders carry out.

HOBA® helps by putting the Business back in to control, to be very clear and structured with what is the Vision, Strategy, Objectives and Measures, what stakeholders are involved and need to be involved in the transformation and their decision making authority, the process to manage those decisions, scope and risks; what are the problems they want to address or opportunities they want to take advantage of; what benefits they want to realise from the transformation and when; what the future or Target Operating Model (TOM) needs to look like to achieve their Vision and Strategic Objectives and business benefits, and how and when will the changes be implemented. Everything and nothing more, only doing what needs to be done, to transform the business, not doing what is happening in the marketplace today and that is ‘creating reams and reams of colourful models and diagrams, that while beautiful, are in reality just “interesting but (sadly) useless”.

The Design Process is the 6-Step process used to implement HOBA® and manage the transformation from the very start, to the very end, implementation.

The biggest misconception in the marketplace today with business transformation is that Clients are led to believe that they need ‘reams and reams’ of pretty colourful presentations to transform your business. This is a fallacy.

This only creates expensive shelf-ware. What those ‘pretty presentations’ are designed for is to enable the transformation project to keep moving toward its end goal, transforming the Business. What the Clients are led to believe is those ‘pretty presentations are the actual goal of the project, and often celebrated and hang up on the project office wall with great bravado as if they were the goal of the transformation itself!

What those ‘pretty presentations’ actually need to be is two (2) things –

  • first, is they need to be understandable, and written in a language that the Business understands, so first they can understand what it and they mean, and then they can agree to it.
  • Then second, then they need to be useful. A lot of Consultants and Consultancy’s wanting to impress their clients with great marketing, pretty presentations and long list of impressive acronyms and latest “it” words, but this just confuses the Client.

What happens is the Consultants will present their ‘ideas’ (because that’s what they are, they have had one meeting with the Client, interpreted that into their own words and perspectives, and come back to them several weeks and months later, having not consulted with them through the process, thinking ‘they know their Clients business best (they don’t, the Client does!) and play back their 300+ page power-point presentation that looks impressive), they present it to the Client, the Client has no idea what it means or says (its written in a foreign language, literally), due to the time it’s taken, and the money it has cost at that point, the Client agrees to it in the room, then walks out the room, and completely ignores everything the Consultant(s) said. The transformation goes nowhere. HOBA® solves that problem, refer to the first question above.

HOBA®  is trusted by the UK Government, FTSE-100 companies and start-ups to both set up, and also turnaround their failing transformations. HOBA® is used by thousands around to transform their business, and was made public for the first time in late 2018, after over 10+ years in use with private clients, published in The Business Transformation Playbook – How to Implement Your Organisations Target Operating Model (TOM) and Achieve a Zero-Percent Failure Rate Using the 6-Step Agile Framework’, reaching bestseller on Amazon in 6-categories including Project Management and Consulting, and made it onto the Best Business Strategy eBook List of All Time by BookAuthority, at no.30 (March 2021). See News for details.

Yes, you can download a FREE preview to The Business Transformation Playbook here.

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