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11 Corporate Habits That Kill Your Company’s Transformation Engine

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HOBA Tech - 11 corporate habits that kill your companys transformation engine

In this post, we identify and discuss 11 such habits, providing a comprehensive understanding of each and how they can negatively impact your business transformation efforts.

The aim is to equip you with the knowledge to recognize these habits and take necessary steps to mitigate their effects.

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The 11 Bad Habits

Are you a Business Owner, Leader or Manager seeking to transform your organisation faster, with less risk, less effort, less cost, and less time? If so, you need to be aware of the corporate habits that can kill your transformation engine.

In this post, we will discuss these bad habits and remedies to address them:

  1. Lack of Clarity
  2. Fear of change
  3. Siloed thinking
  4. Lack of accountability
  5. Resistance to feedback
  6. Focus on short term results
  7. Lack of flexibility
  8. Ineffective leadership
  9. Lack of resources
  10. Neglecting customers
  11. Lack of communication

The 11 Bad Habits

Corporate Habits That Kill Your Transformation ❌
Corporate Habits That Kill Your Transformation ❌

Bad habit #1 - Lack of Clarity:

Bad habit #1 – Lack of Clarity: Without clarity, your transformation efforts will suffer from confusion and lack of direction. It is essential to have a clear understanding of your organisation’s goals, values, and mission. Make sure your team knows and understands them, as well.

Remedy: Develop a clear strategic plan that outlines your organisation’s direction and purpose. Communicate it regularly and consistently to your team to keep everyone focused and aligned.

Bad habit #2 - Fear of Change:

Bad habit #2 – Fear of Change: Fear of change can lead to missed opportunities and stagnation. Taking risks and trying new things is crucial to drive transformation efforts.

Remedy: Build a culture that values innovation and experimentation. Encourage your team to embrace change and challenge the status quo. Celebrate new ideas and reward those who take risks.

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Heath Gascoigne - Speaker

👏 Bad habit #2 - Fear of Change: Fear of change can lead to missed opportunities and stagnation. Taking risks and trying new things is crucial to drive transformation efforts "🚀💡#CorporateHabits #BusinessTransformation

Bad habit #3 - Siloed Thinking:

Bad habit #3 – Siloed Thinking: Departments operating in silos can lead to a lack of collaboration and communication between teams, preventing the organisation from reaching its full potential.

Remedy: Promote cross-functional teams and encourage communication across departments. Create a culture that values teamwork and encourages employees to work together to achieve common goals.

Bad habit #4 - Lack of Accountability:

Bad habit #4 – Lack of Accountability: Without accountability, it’s hard to measure progress, hold employees responsible for their actions, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Remedy: Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and metrics. Make sure everyone understands what is expected of them and that they are held accountable for their actions. Celebrate successes and provide feedback when expectations are not met.

Bad habit #5 - Resistance to Feedback:

Bad habit #5 – Resistance to Feedback: Without feedback, an organisation cannot learn and improve. Employees must be open to receiving constructive criticism to make progress.

Remedy: Build a culture of continuous feedback and improvement. Encourage employees to seek and provide feedback regularly, and create a safe and open environment where constructive criticism is valued.

Bad habit #6 - Focus on Short-term Results:

Bad habit #6 – Focus on Short-term Results: Focusing solely on short-term results can lead to neglecting long-term goals, leading to missed opportunities for growth.

Remedy: Balance short-term and long-term goals. Develop a plan that balances both, ensuring that the organisation’s focus remains on long-term growth while still achieving short-term objectives.

Bad habit #7 - Lack of Flexibility:

Bad habit #7 – Lack of Flexibility: Lack of flexibility can prevent an organisation from adapting to changing circumstances, which can be detrimental to transformation efforts.

Remedy: Develop a culture of agility and flexibility. Encourage employees to be open to change and adaptable to new situations. Foster an environment where change is viewed as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Business Transformation 101

Business Transformation 101

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👏 "Bad habit #7 - Lack of Flexibility: Lack of flexibility can prevent an organisation from adapting to changing circumstances, which can be detrimental to transformation effort "🚀💡#CorporateHabits #BusinessTransformation

Bad habit #8 - Ineffective Leadership:

Bad habit #8 – Ineffective Leadership: Ineffective leadership can hinder transformation efforts, leading to confusion and lack of direction.

Remedy: Develop effective leadership skills across all levels of the organisation. Invest in leadership development programs to ensure that leaders are equipped to lead transformation efforts. Leaders should be capable of inspiring, motivating, and communicating the organisation’s vision.

Bad habit #9 - Lack of Resources:

Bad habit #9 – Lack of Resources: A lack of resources can make it challenging to execute a transformation plan, leading to delays and missed opportunities.

Remedy: Ensure that you have adequate resources to execute your plan. Invest in the necessary tools and technologies and provide employees with the resources they need to succeed.

Corporate Habits - Good Habits vs. Bad Habits 🤜 🤛

Bad habit #10 - Neglecting Customers:

Bad habit #10 – Neglecting Customers: Neglecting customer needs can hinder an organisation’s ability to deliver value and retain customers.

Remedy: Keep your customers at the center of your transformation efforts. Ensure that your plan aligns with their needs and expectations. Develop a culture that values customer feedback and incorporates it into decision-making processes.

Bad habit #11 - Lack of Communication:

Bad habit #11 – Lack of Communication: Lack of communication can lead to confusion and misunderstandings, preventing the organisation from achieving its goals.

Remedy: Communicate regularly and clearly with your team. Ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them. Encourage open communication and provide employees with opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback.

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👏 Bad habit #7 - Lack of Flexibility: Lack of flexibility can prevent an organisation from adapting to changing circumstances, which can be detrimental to transformation effort "🚀💡#CorporateHabits #BusinessTransformation


In conclusion, by addressing these 11 corporate habits, you can create a strong transformation engine that will enable you to transform your organisation faster, with less risk, less effort, less cost, and less time.

Remember, transformation is a journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing effort and commitment from everyone in your organisation.

About HOBA Tech

If you liked what you read, learn more about Business Transformation and how to bring it to reality with less stress, less effort, less time, less cost, and higher profit. Learn about our award-winning agile Business Transformation framework, already used by thousands across the world to transform their business, including the UK Government, FTSE-100 Companies and start-ups, check it out here.

If you want to read why others are calling The Business Transformation Playbook the “Business Transformation Bible”, read the reviews on Amazon here.

Hope you find that useful. If you did, let me know in the comments below what you like and would like to see next, and share this with anyone you think would benefit from it!

Thank you for reading this!


Heath Gascoigne

Heath Gascoigne

Hi, I'm Heath, the founder of HOBA TECH and host of The Business Transformation Podcast. I help Business Transformation Consultants, Business Designers and Business Architects transform their and their clients' business and join the 30% club that succeed. Join me on this journey.

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