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8 Habits of Highly Successful Business Transformators
Heath Gascoigne

8 Habits of Highly Successful Business Transformators

According to successful Business Transformators, success is more of a process rather than an overnight event. It demands consistent efforts, investment of a substantial amount of time, and dedicated commitment towards a unified goal.

Although there are no right ways to achieve success, there are certain common habits that resonate with the majority of successful Business Transformators. [..]

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Organisation Transformation 5 Dos and Donts
Heath Gascoigne

Organisation Transformation: 5 Do’s & Don’ts!

Did you know that a whopping 70% of businesses fail to achieve a successful digital transformation? Although most companies know how crucial technology is to their business and evolving with the changing times will eventually dictate their success – but effectively implementing the change is an entirely different story altogether. Many businesses with big plans have attempted to digitalize their operations – only to hit a dead end.

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5 Business Transformation Strategies to Combat COVID-19
Heath Gascoigne

5 Business Transformation Strategies to Combat COVID-19

COVID-19 has struck the world so instantaneously, giving us no time to plan or measure the repercussions of our decisions. Even the most experienced and successful businesses are now finding it difficult to maintain healthy strategies to deal with the pandemic. However, there are certain keys that can still help businesses […]

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5 Reasons Why Agile Mindset is Key to Get Through COVID-19
Heath Gascoigne

5 Reasons Why Agile Mindset is Key to Get Through COVID-19

Finding it hard to survive the COVID-19 storm? The current crisis is forcing businesses all around the world to take swift action in order to respond to the pandemic and its consequences on their businesses. Countless businesses are now working on revamping their current business strategy. So, what do you think is the common ability […]

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Heath Gascoigne

4 Keys Steps to Anti-Crisis Transformation

In these uncertain times, you need to create certainty and control the controllable.

Are you are Business Owner, Business Leader or Business Consultant who is wondering how to handle this current crisis.

If you decide to sit on your hands, and wait for things to change, Businesses are going to be too late, and […]

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HOBA Transformology Blog Post - Working From Home
Heath Gascoigne

Is Working From Home the New ‘IT’ Thing?

In the world of Business Transformation, Organisations need to adapt to not only be competitive, but to survive. In today’s reality, in light of the latest ‘COVID-19’ pandemic that has resulted in a worldwide isolation, and for those that can, ‘Work From Home (WFH)’ model is more prevalent than ever.

In this post […]

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3 Types of Digital Organisations – Which One Are You?
Heath Gascoigne

3 Types of Digital Organisations – Which One Are You?

In order to compete in this digital world, your organisation needs to be digitally fit. When your organisation is digitally fit, it will be easier for you to adapt and survive the competitive environment.

In this post, we will discuss the following three (3) types of digital organisations, the pros and cons of each […]

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6 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Business Transformation
Heath Gascoigne

6 Mistakes to Avoid With Your Business Transformation

In this post we’re going to talk about the 6-steps to implementing your business transformation, the objective of each step and why that step is required, common problems with each step, and tips to overcome them.
But before we discuss the 6 steps, let’s first discuss business transformation. […]

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How to lead Business Transformation

The Real Secret to Successful Business Transformation: It’s All About Culture and Strategy

Enterprise architecture frameworks play a crucial role in guiding organisations through the complex process of aligning business strategies with IT infrastructure. Among the myriad of frameworks available, two prominent methodologies stand out: HOBA® (House of Business Architecture) and TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework). In this article, we'll delve into the differences between HOBA and...

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Big 4 Model is Dead (Do this instead)-The Big Four Consultancy Model

The Big4 Consulting Model is Dead (Do this Instead)

In this article, we will explore who the Big 4 (and Big3) firms are, what they do, how they do it, do you get what you paid for (and what to do instead).

If you want to transform your business or help your clients transform theirs and want to do it quicker, with less resistance, then this is for you.

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Chat GPT - the next big thing for Business Transformation 🤖

ChatGPT: The Next Big Thing for Business Transformation?

In this article, we will discuss Chat GPT, what it is, and how it help (your organization with its business transformation).

If you want to transform your business or help your clients transform theirs and want to do it quicker, with less resistance, then this is for you.

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