Free User Journey Map Blueprint for Agile Transformation
Unlock the User Journey Map Blueprint, also known as the Customer Journey Blueprint. This tool provides a detailed description of user interactions with your organization, helping identify strengths, pain points, and improvement opportunities for effective business transformation.”
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User Journey Maps provide a ‘feel’ perspective, helping you understand and contextualise customer emotions, issues, and interactions with your organisation. Improve satisfaction by addressing these pain points directly.”.
By knowing ‘what’ this experience feels like and ‘where’ in the User’s Journey with the Organisation they experience it, the Organisation in turn is able to address the User’s frustrations when developing the Target Operating Model (TOM), and put the User (and their frustrations) first in the planning and design work, to improve their experience and satisfaction by addressing their frustrations directly.
Steps to Implement the User Journey Map
The User Journey Map Blueprint provides the Customer / Organisation interaction, as the sequence of steps that are undertaken by the Customer in the end-to-end process and interaction with the Organisation.
The purpose of User Journeys is to show and understand the key business functions that are involved during the User’s interaction with the Organisation, in terms of the following:
What happens to the Customer during their interaction with the Organisation
What is the Customer intending to gain at each stage of the process
How the Customer feels (concerns, issues) about what happens to them during the interaction
Improvement Opportunities^
Changes to the Organisation that could improve the Customer experience.
- (*) 'User Experience' (concerns, thoughts) captured here should reconcile and validate the Stakeholder Issues and Concerns already captured previously from the Stakeholder Mapping Blueprint. Use the Stakeholder Mapping 'Issues and Concerns' to both cross-check that all the known concerns are captured (i.e. no gaps) and still valid.
- (^) 'Improvement Opportunities' captured here are the first attempt or initial thinking on possible solutions that will directly address the Stakeholder concerns. These will be later built on, and validated in the Benefits Model, and Benefits Dependencies Mapping which defines the 'Enabler' and 'Business Changes' that directly impact and drive the intended Business Benefits the Organisation intends to realise.
Role of User Journey Maps in Business Transformation
The User Journey Map helps identify areas for improvement in both the user experience and supporting processes. It is a key part of the business transformation process and is covered in our comprehensive training along with other editable templates.