The Business Transformation Playbook Audiobook is Now Live!

The Business Transformation Playbook Audiobook is now live!

HOBA TECH LTD (HOBA TECH®) is pleased to announce our bestseller book – “The Business Transformation Playbook – Audiobook” is now live on Amazon, iTunes and Audible

All 130,000 words, 374 pages has been read and narrated by our founder, CEO and the author himself, Heath Gascoigne!

This is truely one of the rare books, where the person (author) that wrote the book, actually narrated their own book.

If you listen carefully, you might be able to hear the same passion and enthusiasm in Heath’s voice when reading the book, as he did both in writing it, but also in delivery working with clients on their transformations!

To get your copy from Audible, click here.

Currently Audible has it priced at £22.89 per download, but if you join their program, you might be able to get it for free on a trial (see below):

HOBA TECH Founder & CEO and author (and now narrator) of The Business Transformation Playbook Audiobook, Heath Gascoigne said on the release of the audiobook and being stocked by Amazon, Audible & iTunes  “Its finally great to have the audiobook version live, over 30hrs of raw recording cut down to 12hrs final edited version, its great to see it come to life. I hope the enthusiasm I had in writing the book, and in working with clients on their transformations comes through in the audiobook !”.

"Its finally great to have the audiobook version live, over 30hrs of raw recording cut down to 12hrs final edited version, it's great to see it come to life. I hope the enthusiasm I had in writing the book, and in working with clients on their transformations comes through in the audiobook!"

To get your copy from Audible, click here.


Business Transformation and Digital Transformation experts. Learn how to transform your organisation the first time, on time. Based on our HOBA® Agile Business Transformation framework and bestselling book – The Business Transformation Playbook. We help Consultants, Consultancies and Organisations make their digital business transformation programs successful by addressing the cause that makes 70% of them fail.

Need help with your digital business transformation? We can train your own people to transform your or your clients business, using our proven method trusted by the UK Government, FTSE 100 and fast growing organisations. Get in touch today!

Learn more about HOBA TECH® at

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